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Sharpen Your Breathing Skills in Swimming: Open or Close Your Eyes to Heighten Awareness

Many swimmers overlook the importance of mindful breathing. The simple act of opening or closing your eyes can significantly change your swimming experience. 

Image of a man swimming in the pool wearing a wet suit and taking a breath. Sharpen Your Breathing Skills in Swimming
Breathing Easy

Discovering the Importance of Eye Position

Struggling with head positioning while breathing during swimming is a common problem. Closing your eyes while breathing, may cause imbalance. By keeping your eyes open, you can see the water's surface and adjust your head position precisely. This simple change improved your breathing technique and overall balance.

Personal Experience with Mindful Breathing

One person's more romanic experience of this occurred while swimming on a chilly, rainy day. Being the only one in the water, he began "scanning" as he rotated to breathe. He noticed the rain dimpling the water's surface, which was mesmerizing. Keeping his gaze keen helped him sharpen his breath timing and adjust his head position. This habit has stayed with him ever since.

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The Value of Being Observant

The story highlights the importance of being observant while swimming. Many swimmers focus on yardage totals, repeat times, and intervals, often tuning out during tedious workouts. This focus on quantity over quality can lead to inattention. Sharpen your breathing skills in swimming by paying attention to subtle details and being mindful of your technique.

Experimenting with Closed Eyes

Have you ever closed your eyes to intensify your focus on a specific aspect of your technique? After swimming more mindfully, I noticed I would instinctively close my eyes during moments of keen focus. People who lose their sight become more attuned to sound and feel. For the rest of us, closing our eyes can enhance our sense of feel. In water, this heightened kinesthetic awareness is invaluable. Experiment with brief periods of swimming with your eyes closed to sharpen your sensitivity to sensory input and increase your awareness of stroke subtleties.

Enhancing Your Swimming Experience

By paying attention to your breathing and experimenting with open or closed eyes, you can significantly improve your swimming technique. Sharpen your breathing skills in swimming to integrate breathing seamlessly with your stroke. This approach will lead to a more balanced, efficient, and enjoyable swimming experience.

Read more: https://www.totalimmersion.net/blog/sharpen-breathing-skills-open-close-eyes-heighten-awareness/


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