The Most Sort After Baby Swimming Advice
Here are my baby swimming advice most frequently asked questions. Some of these questions are asked of me so often that I am almost automatic in my answers. I hope you find them helpful.Q: When can I take my baby swimming?
A: You can take your baby swimming from approx 10 weeks old, sometimes younger. Depending on your experience or the compliance, qualifications and experience of your instructor.Q: Will my baby need its vaccinations?
A: It is not necessary to have all vaccinations before taking your baby swimming however it is important to use a baby swimming approved school.It doesn’t matter if they haven’t yet completed their course of immunizations.Babies can be taken swimming at almost any age The management of some leisure facilities suggest that babies shouldn’t go swimming until they have had all of their jabs. This advice dates back to the time when polio was common, and people were concerned it would spread in busy places like public swimming pools.
Sometimes babies experience side effects after the MMR vaccine. These are generally quite mild, and should not prevent you from taking your baby swimming. Babies who are feverish, or who get a mild form of mumps in the weeks after the vaccine, may not feel up to swimming for a few days.
Please note that nothing I have said here suggests that you should neglect vaccinations. avoiding vaccinations puts both your children at risk and the rest of the community.
Q: Won't my baby swallow or breathe in water?
A: A babies natural 'gag' reflex prevents water from entering a babies lungs or stomach. It doesn't sound very nice but is a perfectly natural phenomenon. This is why you often see photos of babies 'swimming' under the water. This is entirely natural to a baby who will not 'choke' on the water but out of reflex closes the larynx and esophagus automatically to prevent water being swallowed or breathed in.However, the gag reflex is not perfect and you should check that your teacher understands this. Ask how they introduce submersion and how they help avoid the baby swallowing water. If they flippantly say “don’t worry the gag reflex will take care of that” DON’T do swimming lessons with them they probably don’t know what they are doing with other elements of the teaching too. If on the other hand they take the time to explain to you how they introduce submersion to your child and it is a gentle and gradual process then you probably have a good teacher and you should be safe to swim with them.
This reflex can last anywhere up until 6 to 18 months and if children start swimming lessons early enough, this natural reflex can become a learned reflex.
I recommend taking your baby to a qualified/registered swim centre to be taught how to teach your child to swim underwater. Always keep babies and children under responsible adult supervision. If in doubt, ask someone who knows!
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Baby Swimming Advice F.A.Q |
Q: Will my baby be scared?
A: It depends! Babies are naturally comfortable around water up to approx 15 months old. If they are introduced to water from a young age they maintain this confidence in water as they get older.Babies will respond to your own responses to the class and the water, so make sure you feel comfortable, safe and confident in your pool, swim school and teacher.
You would be wise to make your child’s first experience of the class to be a warm one. Check and see if the pool where you are taking the class is heated to at least 32 deg C: preferably 34 deg C; if it is not then you may want to think about investing in a babies wetsuit
Properly organized baby swimming classes gently introduce babies to water
Q: Why should I take my baby swimming?
A: Swimming is an incredibly healthy activity and it is suggested by some that the physical development gained by the reduced gravity exercise in water is excellent: but let's face it and the emotional development of being close to babies parent can’t be bet.Q: Won't my baby get cold?
A: There is NO requirement anywhere that I have been able to find, for any pool to maintain certain pool temperatures for babies. This is absolutely the case in Victoria Australia: anyone who says anything different is living with a myth.There are guidelines for swimming pools catering for babies under 24 months to maintain a pool temperature of 32 degrees Celsius. Many parents buy a baby 'wetsuit' to help maintain baby’s body temperature. These are also really useful in providing a grip surface to hold onto baby and a small amount of buoyancy from the neoprene material.
babies wetsuit
Q: When shouldn't I take my baby swimming?
A: It is not only upsetting and embarrassing to have your baby throwing up in the pool but it may also be very inconvenient. There are a number of instances where some pools have rules that require them to have everyone exit the pool if someone throws up in it. Usually if it a bit of milk or the baby has swallowed too much water it is ignored but anything else may be a problem. Hence you should not take your baby swimming immediately after eating. It is best to allow at least an hour or two for digestion. If your baby has an upset tummy it is also best not to go swimming for at least 24 hours after baby has recovered.Q: What else will I need to take my baby swimming?
A: Along with a baby warming wetsuit it is essential to have a good aqua nappy. All swimming pools are extremely careful of the effects of soiled water and many insist on a proper aqua nappies
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