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Breaststroker's Knee: Good Kick, Easing Pain and a Bad Kick Fix

Easing thee pain of Breaststroker's Knee

This post is not just about easing the pain in your knees if breaststroke is painful for you. It can help your Breaststroker's Knee but it does so much more.

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In my post Learn How To Swim 101 - Breaststroke - Common Faults I try to describe the use of a pull boy in a drill for those struggling with the breaststroke (frog) kick.

I've also posted about breaststroke knee pain before.

Image of a swimmer doing breaststroke with a pull bouy between his knees, Avoiding Breaststroker's Knee
Avoiding Breaststroker's Knee
Well not only does this video contribute to helping with breaststroke knee pain it also is precisely what I describe in the Learn How To Swim 101 - Breaststroke - Common Faults.

Just Can't See It?

So if you have been having problems with your frog kick either from pain or you just can't get the shape correct; or if you are a swim teacher and are looking for a drill to help your students with either of these problems; or if you've read my description of this drill before and just can't see it; well now you can.

I hope you get a "kick" out of it (grown... that was a very bad joke).


Freestyle Swimming Tips, Mostly But Some Backstroke

Freestyle Swimming Tips From A Hip Hopper

If you are not a hip hop fan (as I am not, so I hope you will forgive me if I got the style of music incorrect) don't be put off by the intro and finish music because whilst this is not the most concise video on freestyle I've ever seen, it is worth a watch for someone who swimming but still new to it.

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In His Own Unique Way

In his own unique way most of what this guy says is quite correct and with his dry land demonstrations he show details that the vast majority by far, of professional swimmers fail to show in their videos.

There is no discussion of correct entry and exit of arms but the visuals are quite clear never-the-less.

He has a very good grasp of body rotation and although the discussion is not comprehensive it is clear and will give an early swimmer some idea of what to work on.

Discussion On Kicking

The discussion on kicking is a little too simplistic in that, although it is exactly the way I would l explain a correct kick to children, it is not words I would use with adults because a good flutter kick does have some bend in the knee. The visuals are excellent however in that there is clear flippy floppy feet and straight legs with enough relaxation in the knees to create good propulsion. I think you will see what I mean when you watch.


Cameras in The Pool Area & Swimming Lessons

Cameras and Swimming Lessons

"I just want to take a photo of my baby" is often the surprised response of the proud parent who I've just informed that unfortunately, they can't use their camera in the pool area.

Picture of a boy, upside down in the pool and wearing Goggles, giving the camera a thumbs up. Cameras in The Pool Area & Swimming Lessons
Cameras in The Pool At Swimming Lessons

I always feel a bit sorry for the bewildered parent as I try to explain that it is the privacy laws that make it difficult. But it is for both the protection of their child and others.

Cameras on at a swimming pool can be very tricky. Every pool has a different policy with regard to their use as they try to interpret the law.

Some pools don't allow any camera use at all; others allow it with some restrictions; others still, only allow camera use if you sign some sort of agreement and maybe even sometimes an indemnity form. So if you are going to a camera in the swimming pool environment, make sure you are not breaking any privacy or other legalities.

Within that context, an underwater camera is not only a great swimming tool but great fun.

I've only used one waterproof camera; with permission of course, and that is the Agfaphoto compact 109uw.

Why did I choose that particular camera?

Well, I'd like to say that it was because it was some particularly special technical reason or that it was because of its superior photo quality or its feel and striking looks. I can't even say that it has a great pixel rating. It gets the job done but you wouldn't want it for professional photos. The reality is that I chose this camera because it was genuinely cheap for a genuinely waterproof camera.

The camera is completely sealed in that to retrieve your images you need to remove the memory card. This is a little inconvenient but does make the sealing much more secure. Unlike a waterproof camera, my son bought that leaked and blew upon its first use.

The next question is of course, why did I want a waterproof camera?

In my case, all I wanted was to be able to take photos of some of my favourite students underwater.

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The problem has always been getting permission to use photos or videos. So you won't see many of the ones I've taken online. However, it is great for that purpose. You won't get very good photos from any kind of distance shots either above the water and defiantly not below; however, it is ideal for low res mid to close photos and videos.

If you are going to take photos of your own children in a private pool or if you own a commercial pool and are happy to contend with the privacy laws of your state and if you only want an inexpensive basic camera this one works.

But the purpose of this post was not to make a case for any particular camera but rather a heads up to say that cameras are fun in the pool both as a source of some wonderful memories and great coaching and teaching tool. But using them in the pool environment is not always straight forward and you should ask before you click.


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