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Pool Diving: Should You Dive Into The Shallow End of The Pool?

Pool Diving: Is Diving Into the Shallow End Of The Pool Safe?

I have said before that I know that there are schools of thought that are convinced that diving into Shallow water is or should be a safe form of pool diving.(anything under 1.8 meters -about 5'9"- according to the Royal Life Saving Society of Australia is considered shallow for diving).

I also know that that there are even swim schools out there that train for it but all the research says it's not safe. If you doubt me all you have to do is type diving accidents in swimming pools into Google and see all the lawyers writing articles and amongst all that you will find the research. If the research itself doesn't scare you off consider that lawyers who make their living out of litigation, are writing articles to tell you how unsafe it is.

Image a a bald swimmer diving into the pool form the edge: diving into Shallow water is not a safe form of pool diving
Diving In Shallow Water
Picture by Veit Hammer @derveit on Unsplash

What About The Example That is Set?

Let's just for a moment, imagine that you are safe because you have trained in diving in shallow water (I say you're deluded but let's follow the argument through), have you considered the example you set for those less skilled than yourself? Or don't you care that your example may be the cause of some child or mother or father or sister or bother being injured or worse paralyzed for life because you were showing off.


What happens if, with all your skill, you make a mistake and injure yourself have you considered that in a pool where there are signs everywhere telling you not to dive, you, yourself, may not be covered by insurance? Wouldn't it just make more sense to respect the rules of the pool you want to swim in?

Everybody who learns to swim should learn to dive correctly and safely but diving in shallow water is neither safe or correct and that is not just my opinion.


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