You Have To Prepare A Child For Going Under Water
You have to prepare a child for going underwater. Let me put that another way: A child that you are going to put underwater has to be prepared!
Forgive me for getting on my high horse once again but it really bugs me when you get swimming instructor that rely totally on the gag reflex of a child to protect them from swallowing water when they go underwater and therefore give them no warning that they are about to put the child underwater.
The gag reflex in children and for that matter even in adults is not perfect. So don't be crewel give your child a break and let them know that you are about to duck them under.
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Ready Go! |
In my opinion all swimming schools should have a common expression that is used across classes to do this. It is very frustrating to both parents and children should they have occasion to have to be with a different teacher and have the commands to go under be different.
Having the same command within the school just makes transition between classes so much easier and less confusing.
Ready Go
I prefer "Ready Go" as it is what most other schools seem to use and is short. Long commands like "Ready 1, 2, 3 Go" just take too long and slow down the class as well as, in my opinion, increases the tension in the child as they wait what must seem an eternity to be put under.
So don't believe everything you hear even from this blog, check it out yourself and don't punish you child or students for not having a good gag reflex. All parents should be encouraged not to complete tasks (ie wetting child's face or submerging child before the command is complete), without giving a student fair warning.
I normally 'swish' the child backwards and forwards to the count of three and say bubbles. It doesn't take this children long to work out what to expect. If the child is scared of going under the water - ie a brand new child, I will put their cheek in the water, until I know they are comfortable.